Learning Center Services

Identify strengths and challenges

With a focus on helping each student learn to about themselves, children are administered tasks that can help develop an understanding of their profile of cognitive strengths and vulnerabilities, with an emphasis on strengths. The student is then taught how he or she can utilize strengths to remediate areas of challenge or vulnerability. Also, an informal interview is conducted to learn about areas of talent, personal aspirations, and/or particular interests of the child and how he or she may further their ability to pursue meeting goals in these areas and furthering their passions.

Executive Functional Skills Training

Executive functioning skills are those that relate to impulse control, flexibility, organization, planning, task initiation, working memory and self-monitoring. Often when children are having academic difficulties, it relates to weaknesses in one or more of these areas. These kinds of challenges, in fact, underlie many learning issues, emotional struggles, and behavioral challenges.

Assessment is conducted to determine what areas of executive functioning abilities are weak for the student and an intervention plan is then carefully tailored to meet the child’s individual needs and boost skills in these areas. The student is also educated about the executive functioning skills and how they relate to their success, not only in completing tasks, but in socializing and meeting other, non-academic goals as well, if needed.

Cognitive Coaching

Students are taught to understand their internal thought process and how it contributes to their academic performance and functioning in other areas. Cognitive distortions, or negative, irrational thoughts, are examined and the child is taught to challenge his or her own thinking and restructure it to promote a healthier, more rational perspective, and one that supports success and overall well-being. The child is taught to understand the concept of verbal mediation, or coaching oneself, essentially, so that he or she can monitor their thinking and use it as a guide for shifting perspective in a positive direction, achieving successes, and performing effectively in various areas.

Determination of Learning Style

Students are administered tasks and an interview is conducted to determine whether they are a visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or interactive learner–or a combination. By helping a student to understand his or her learning style, the child can better plan his or her approach to studying and learning and enlist strategies for effectively internalizing information that is taught. Learning experiences that match better with the child’s style of processing and absorbing information can be sought out, including those that occur outside of school.  For example, kinesthetic or experiential learners may be provided with opportunities to visit museums or to participate in hands-on activities that help them to understand concepts and knowledge more meaningfully.

Organizational Coaching

Organizational coaching is focused specifically on teaching the student strategies for organizing academic assignments, materials, their thought process, problem-solving approach, and/or schedule of due dates. Thus time management and procrastination are discussed and incorporated.

Integrated Content Tutoring

While children may need assistance with particular classes and subject matter, the guidance they receive at the Premier Learning Centers is not traditional tutoring. The model integrates verbal mediation, cognitive coaching, incorporation of metacognitive strategies, and awareness of strengths and learning style in order to assist the child with achieving goals and reaching his or her highest potential.